Back-to-back-to-back! LIMB bags various awards from two international conferences!


LIMB members and their Professor, Dr. Dae-Kyung Kang attended and participated in two simultaneous scientific conferences in Bratislava, Slovakia, and in Gyeongju, South Korea where LIMB members as well as Prof. Kang received various awards.

2023 June 20-22: Bratislava, Slovakia

LIMB Representatives in the 16th International Scientific Conference on Probiotics, Prebiotics, Gut Microbiota, and Health held in Bratislava, Slovakia on June 20-22, 2023. (Left): Mr. Ji Hoon Song (combined MS-Ph.D. student) and (right): Mr. Jae Seung Lee (combined MS-Ph.D. student)


Mr. Ji Hoon Song presented a poster on the characterization of an anti-listerial bacteriocin produced by Ligilactobacillus agilis C7 and heterologous expression in Escherichia coli and received 2nd place for the best poster award! Congratulations Ji Hoon! We also acknowledge the work of Mr. Jeong Min Yoo, MSc., our LIMB alumnus who previously worked on the characterization of Agilicin C7. 

Mr. Ji Hoon Song beside the poster he presented entitled: Characterization of an anti-listerial bacteriocin produced by Ligilactobacillus agilis C7 and heterologous expression in Escherichia coli. This poster won 2nd place for the best poster award. 

2023 June 21-23: Gyeongju, South Korea


Meanwhile, in Gyeongju, South Korea, Prof. Dae-Kyung Kang led the other LIMB members and attended and participated in the 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (KMB).


LIMB present at the 50th Anniversary Annual Meeting and International Symposium of the Korean Society for Microbiology and Biotechnology (KMB) held at Gyeongju, South Korea. In the photo from left to right: Ms. Remilyn Mendoza (Ph.D. student), Prof. Dae-Kyung Kang, Mr. Robie Vasquez (combined Ph.D. student), and Mr. Young Hee Lee (undergraduate intern) 

Mr. Robie Vasquez presenting his study entitled “Non-GMO display in Limosilactobacillus fermentum mediated by a novel anchor from a putative cell surface hydrolase

Mr. Robie Vasquez presented his study on the Non-GMO display in Limosilactobacillus fermentum mediated by a novel anchor from a putative cell surface hydrolase and was awarded the Academic Student Award under the Lactic Acid Bacteria Division. Great work Robie! Congratulations!

Mr. Robie Vasquez received the award certificate from the KMB2023 officials along with the other awardees. 

Not only LIMB members received awards but so was their professor, Dr. Dae-Kyung Kang who was acknowledged and awarded in the KMB 2023 with the Leading Scientist Award. Congratulations Prof. Kang! LIMB is so proud of you!

Dr. Dae-Kyung Kang receiving his Leading Scientist Award from Dr. Kyu-Ho Lee president of KMB board.

Dr. Dae-Kyung Kang and Mr. Robie Vasquez were recipients of the Leading Scientist Award and Academic Student Award, respectively at the recently held KMB 2023 at Gyeongju, South Korea.

It was indeed a triumphant week for LIMB! Again, congratulations Ji Hoon, Robie, and Prof. Kang for your awards! You bring pride and joy to LIMB! Cheers~



Anonymous said...

Congratulations Prof. Kang and LIMB~!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to Prof Kang and LIMB! Great work

Anonymous said...

Jasa Arsitek Medan Desain Kustom yang Sesuai dengan Kebutuhan dan Gaya Hidup: Tim Arsitek Kami dapat merancang rumah sesuai dengan kebutuhan spesifik dan preferensi pribadi Anda. Mereka memperhitungkan gaya hidup Anda, preferensi estetika, dan kebutuhan fungsional untuk menciptakan desain yang unik dan personal. Misalnya, jika Anda sering menghibur tamu, Tim Arsitek Kami dapat merancang area sosial yang luas dan nyaman. Optimalisasi Ruang dan Fungsi: Tim Arsitek Kami memiliki keterampilan dalam memanfaatkan ruang secara maksimal. Mereka dapat menciptakan desain yang efisien dan fungsional, memaksimalkan setiap meter persegi, dan memastikan bahwa setiap ruangan berfungsi dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuan penggunaannya. Ini termasuk mempertimbangkan alur sirkulasi, pencahayaan alami, dan ventilasi yang baik. Kualitas dan Estetika yang Lebih Tinggi: Dengan keahlian dan pengalaman mereka, Tim Arsitek Kami dapat menghasilkan desain rumah yang tidak hanya memenuhi fungsi dasar tetapi juga estetis dan menarik. Mereka memiliki pemahaman mendalam tentang elemen desain, seperti proporsi, warna, dan tekstur, yang dapat meningkatkan tampilan dan nuansa keseluruhan rumah Anda.

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